Sunday, May 13, 2012

5k101 Podcast Graduation!

Ah, finally. I'm done. It only took 12 weeks to finish an 8 week podcast (due to illnesses setting me back), but I'm done. And I feel wonderful. Starting tomorrow, I will begin my own schedule, to work towards running 5 miles without walking. It'll be tough to complete, but I'm looking foward to the challenge.

To cover the last week, on Tuesday I went to Dixon with Nick for a light workout. Just did 20 minutes on a bike, and then lifted weights for a bit. It was more of to relax, hang out, and still be a bit active. Wednesday, completed the first day of my Week 8 podcast, which is 30 minutes without walking. Thursday, I went to Dixon again, and weighed myself. And in 5 days, I had only lost 1 pound, and I began to panic a bit. It meant that my weight loss is finally starting to slow down. I knew this would happen, but I thought I'd easily hit 200 by my birthday. Now, I'm hoping for 205. So due to my panic, it meant that I ended up doing 80 minutes of fairly intense cardio on bikes and a bit on an eliptical. I was pretty exhausted, but I managed. Friday, I did the second day of my Week 8 podcast, and then went on a bike ride to Philomath with Nick, Maddie, and Maggie, the ol' freshman crew (group of friends from Freshman year). Ended up being about 12 miles, which was pretty tiring after my run, but I was doing pretty well. We ended up at Flat Tail Brewery in downtown Corvallis, and I got a massive burger (I had only eaten about 300 calories prior, and had 2 workouts - I deserved it). It had a 1/3 pound patty, grilled onions, bacon, peppered turkey, a fried egg, and avocado. Wow, so good.

Saturday morning, went to Dixon, weighed in at 214, so 2 pounds from the previous week (meant that I lost 1 pound from Thursday to Saturday), and did about 70 minutes on a recumbant bike (was too sore for an upright bike), but was not doing an intense workout. Just wanted to keep myself a bit active. Went home that afternoon to Lake Oswego, to celebrate my brother's and my aunt's birthdays this evening (Sunday), so I stayed the night. Went for my final 5k101 run this morning, and it went pretty well. Was beautiful, and I got to run along the riverfront, and encountered a lot of people out and about. And the day couldn't have gone any better.

Tomorrow, I think I'm going to run 2 miles to help my body recover some from the last few days, and Tuesday, I either won't workout, or will do something very light at Dixon. I might instead do a small workout in my apartment on Tuesday. Either way, on Wednesday, I'm hoping to pull off 3.5 miles, so I can start working on my 5 mile goal.

I have 5 weeks now, to lose 14 pounds... Bit unpractical at this point, if I'm struggling with just 2 pounds per week. It's still possible, but unlikely. Luckily, I'll be happy no matter what, as I will for sure be under 210, and will be at least very close to hitting 200.

Weight loss since Februrary 19th, 2012: 36 pounds
Weight loss since the beginning of Junior year: 41 pounds
Total weight loss since Senior year of high school: 56 pounds

I've pretty much decided what my future plans will be, through the summer and during next school year, but I'll talk about that in my next blog post. Until then, stay fancy.

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