Wednesday, June 13, 2012


You Only Live Once.

Commence the eye rolling. So for anyone that isn't aware, a recent phrase - YOLO - has become quite popular. It's typically used by people who are about to do something stupid and defend their next action by saying that you only live once; so you should enjoy yourself while it lasts. However, I view it differently. You only live once, which means you better damn well take care of your body, or else your one life is going to last a hell of a lot shorter than it could. You only live once, so you should take the best care possible of yourself. And you know what? I've been doing that. And for a matter of fact, I've drastically changed my life during this school year. The day that started it all? October 15, 2011. This was the day of my very first blog post, and let me tell you, being able to put all my thoughts down in this blog, plus being able to communicate to many of my friends and family has been a great way to get motivation. I constantly get questsions and comments about how my weight loss is going, and how I look so great now. Just yesterday, my dad said to me, "Hey Skinny" as he was going to ask me a question. Skinny? Not yet, but it I am significantly thinner than October.

I can't thank those who have supported me this whole time enough. Do you know what it feels like to hear the words, "Wow you look so great! How much weight have you lost?!" I just feel so much better, not just physically, but emotionally and socially as well. And to top it off, it's now my summer break, which is my favorite time of the year. AND my birthday is on Friday. This week is awesome.

But there's more to it than just that. As of Tuesday afternoon, I weighed in at 199.5 pounds!
I reached my goal by my birthday, in less than 4 months!

October 15, 2011 Starting weight: 255
February 19, 2012 Weight: 250
June 12, 2012 Weight: 199.5

Want to know the last time I weighed under 200 pounds? Well, 5 years ago, I was 5'9" and weighed ~228 (medical record). The previous year I was probably around 200, but was a bit shorter, and I also played a fair amount of Soccer so I stayed active. So basically, the last time I weighed this much, I was probably about 5 or 6 inches shorter. I'd say that's a big difference.

As I mentioned, I'm back at the Zoo as of today for Zoo Camp training, and camp begins on Monday. I finished my finals on Monday and Tuesday and my summer break has begun. I'll be working with 1st graders (Tiger Camp) and I'm stoked, as usual. Our camp crew will be amazing as well, to top it off. But something truly amazing happened today. On top of the numerous people mentioned that I looked great from my weight loss, I decided to try on a Large camp shirt (rather than XL) to see how it would fit. And let me tell you, it fit. That was honestly one of the best feelings of my life, right there. I have XXL shirts in my dresser (that I barely wear). I wore XL for quite a while, but some shirts that were of lesser quality, I would prefer XXL to make it a bit baggier (on purpose) as well as in case it shrunk. But now? Large. This weekend I need to go clothes shopping, because basically everything I own is too big for me now. I'd say that one day, maybe I could wear a medium, but I doubt it would have the length due to my height. Nonetheless - Large. So amazing. Maybe I can start to wear shirts that have always been too small for me now!

I think that's all I will say for now. It will be a busy weekend with my birthday on Friday, and celebrating it with different people throughout the weekend. Plus with camp starting up on Monday. Stay fancy everyone. I expect it on my birthday.

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