Saturday, October 15, 2011

Good Life: A New Beginning

It's the beginning of something special for me, or at least, I hope. For what may seem like forever now, I've been wanting to really gear myself towards a better life. Well, what makes your life good? And the simple answer is, there's more than one reason, and I want every reason possible to lead a better life.

How could I accomplish something of this magnitude and vagueness? At a quick glimpse, it would appear that I like how things work out for myself, and to an extent, that's completely true. However, it can always be better. So this is a blog about my goals; about my ambitions.

Firstly, the most important part of this blog, and what created the idea in my head at 3:00 AM on a Saturday morning, trying to fall asleep: My health. I have never been healthy, whether it's the fact that I get sick every other week with the new virus in town, or just the common cold, again, and again, and again... Well, how can I gear my lifestyle towards a illness-free world? No idea, honestly, I have no idea. But I can start things off with something simple. Ever since about, 7th grade or so, I have been getting more and more sick, more and more often. Doctors always test me for something bad in my blood, but nothing comes up. I just have the worst immune system ever. I should live in a bubble. Okay, not. I'd rather get sick all the time. Anywho, this leads me to how to improve my body's health:

1. Exercise regularly and lose weight. This will be my main goal that I'm going to keep up with. I love to exercise, but I always do things to counteract the effects, such as eating badly, or I end up falling out of my exercising habits due to getting sick or getting busy. So I'm hoping to keep with a program and to not quit.
2. Eat better. Not only will this help me lose weight, but it will ensure that I get all the essential nutrients and vitamins, and everything else, that my body needs. If I eat better, hell, I might stop getting sick!
3. Work on a consistent sleep cycle. You do not know how damn envious I am of people who go to sleep every night at say, 11 PM, and wake up at 7 AM, perfectly refreshed. I just can't do that. Hell, right now, it's nearly 5 AM as of writing this sentence, and I haven't slept yet.

Well that covers my body's physical health for now. Well, I've got 2 other aspects that I need to cover, at least for now, that will help lead to a better life for me.

1. School
I need to follow through with my work and finally finish this BS in Zoology. I have been getting worse and worse about not doing work, not going to classes, and the like. I need to get my act together, finish this up, and start looking towards a future, either with more education (most probable) or a career. I also am going to start pursuing possible career opportunities that I will be able to get from Zoology, and being able to work with animals, or studying them in some way or another.
2. Economy
Although money isn't too much of a problem for me, it is something I'd like to work on. I have habits of going online to Amazon and buying cheap stuff that I want, but not anything that I necessarily need. So I want to be cautious on what I spend money on, in hopes that I can save money for things I really need, or possibly, big ticket items that will really put a smile on my face (such as a big ass tv. I realize this kind of goes against what I was just talking about, but there are certain goals that I've had for a while that I'll eventually spend money on).

Phew, that was a lot, and I haven't even gone into any detail on what I plan on doing to accomplish some of these goals! I'll do that in my next post, as I should really be focusing on sleeping at this point, due to it being one of my goals anyways. I will write up another blog post this weekend, and I'll go over what I hope to work on first, as well as other ideas that I have.

And to leave you off with a high note, here's what inspired this post's title: Good Life

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