Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 0 - A New Adventure

Yes I know, I was going to write in my blog. Didn't happen. Let's move on. Instead, I'm working out at the HJ Andrews Forest about an hour east of Eugene, working on a graduate student's stream ecology project. I am going to try to write about every single day, just to do some writing, keep myself busy during my relaxation time, and to let people know how things go. I'll try to post pictures as well, but no promises about what I'm working on, as I don't know if I'll many opportunities to snap pictures while working. I will have lots of free time, which will be my time to take pictures for everyone.

So Sunday, June 29th, I arrived at around 7 PM, and didn't really do anything. Just met a few people that are staying here as well, played some Beer Frisbee, and went to bed. The drive out here was amazing on Hwy 126 after Springfield. Even further down the highway I bet is better. We're basically stationed right next to the Blue River Reservoir, which is next to Blue River (I recently found out that is a town, and I assumed when I saw Blue River on the map, that it was in fact a river). It's nothing but beautiful forests here and this stellar reservoir right next to us. I'm planning on lots of fishing this summer.

Beer Frisbee - Just what it sounds like. You mix frisbee, horseshoes, beerpong, and you've got Beer Frisbee. Basically, two posts, each with a beer bottle on it. You are trying to knock over your opponent's beer bottle with the frisbee, with a drink in your hand. First to 21 points wins.

My posts will be pretty short, but frequent (trying for every day, or at least a post about every day).

Stay fancy.

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