Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 8 - Ever Have the Feeling that You Didn't Actually Accomplish Anything?

Come Monday morning, I woke up and went out into the field with Matt and Kate. Our goal was to scout out sites because Matt needs one more stream which has a section of both old growth and second growth surrounding it. This consisted of hiking to and through streams, looking for both old growth and second growth, and specifically a dark second growth (just for contrast to other streams), as well as fish. We found some potential streams, but never found the right combination of everything. So we ended up empty handed after hours of work. We made our way out to place called Mack Stream, and we were going to measure out our reaches and lay out tiles, but we ran into more problems and weren't able to measure out the reaches. We literally wasted an entire day. Bummer.

Dana came back up to HJA for the evening to hang out with us all and to get an early start to the morning on Tuesday. Matt had caught a chinook salmon on Sunday morning so we decided to grill up fresh salmon, veggies, and had some roasted potatoes and watermelon. Plus beer. Can't forget the beer. We had a fantastic dinner, which concluded with some cookies made by Hannah. The highlight of the evening was a crew shotgun. Basically, every single one of us each shotgunned a beer together. Definitely a good bonding moment for all of us. This was of course a bad idea since we had just finished a huge dinner; we all survived. Afterwards, we ended up playing some Beer Frisbee. Brian and I versus Matt and Dana. Damn, Dana has a great throw. Was not expecting that. Brian and I ended up losing, but only 19-22, so it was a close game. We finished the night by just hanging out at a picnic table and drinking beer. A fantastic evening.

Stay fancy.

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