Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Challenge... Accepted

What a fun weekend. Two winning volleyball matches, hanging out with friends at a Halloween get-together, chillaxing on Halloween night, lots of Call of Duty (yup, that's my life). Other than that, nothing too exciting. Although I'm going to make a trip to Local Boyz, which has some of the best food I have ever eaten, and that's coming from a food fanatic. Catherine from Penguin Camp at the Zoo attends OSU as well, so we decided to meet up for some delicious grub and catch up. Oh, and I went as a scientist for Halloween, which helps explain this random picture with my friends.

I've been meaning to update this since Friday, and just haven't gotten around to it. Always either too tired or busy to deal with it, when I remember. So here I am, typing this up on Tuesday afternoon on November 1st. Today, is the beginning of it all to me. The month of October was mainly just to lay out my goals, start working out, and get an idea of what I'll be doing to lead a healthier lifestyle, mainly, getting in shape. But now, my first monthly challenge has begun!

I've already told a few people, but never mentioned my specific plan in the blog yet. My challenge or the month of November is to not eat sweets. But time for the terms: Thanksgiving is an exception, but I will limit myself (such as on pie or any other desserts). Other than that, I may not buy any sweets (candy, cookies, or anything with a lot of sugar in it) and really the only other exception for this sort of thing is if someone, such as family, makes me baked goods. Then I will considering having a moderate amount of said baked goods. For example, on Saturday I received cupcakes from my family, so that would be okay with me, as long as I ate them in moderation. The only other exception that I can think of is chocolate milk, as it is a great recovery drink after a workout. It has about a 4:1 carb to protein ratio, which is ideal for replenishing your energy after a workout, plus it tastes delicious. Now, I'm not eliminating sugar, however, I am cutting out and reducing lots of unnecessary simple carbs/sugars as well as empty calories. I'm hoping that this month will help create a healthier eating habit for me, to avoid all those sugars. Another thing, is I will be trying to avoid fake sugars as well, basically, a lack of sweets, real or fake.

One problem, is that over the weekend, I was given a bunch of cupcakes, as I mentioned, and Ryan's mom gave us some Safeway cookies (which I find extremely addicting), so I definitely got my fair share of those, plus more than my fair share. Oh well, it was like a last meal type of thing; I just can't resist those damned cookies.

Now regarding my workouts, I ended up taking a 3 day break, once I finished my recovery week, finishing up my first 4 weeks, or month, of the program. I'm starting fresh today on the second month, conveniently on the first of the month. My workouts will be slightly different. I'll be focusing on creating leaner muscle mass for this month, so basically, I will be giving the same amount of effort into a workout, but with weights, I will be doing a slightly lower weight and more repetitions, as my main goal is to be leaner overall. Another reason for doing this is because I injured my right elbow somehow. I noticed it doing yoga last week, that I tweaked my elbow somehow, so I've been icing it since, and it feels better so far. So I will be using lighter weights, so that way if I need to stop on my right arm, I will just do less repetitions until it heals properly. Another reason for taking the 3 day break is I ended up completely exhausted by Friday of last week, and I just had little to no energy to workout again right away. This way, I'm well rested, and have given my elbow some time to relax and heal. My first workout will involve moving my elbows a lot, so I was afraid I'd re-injure it if I worked out right away as well.

This month is all about kicking butt. I'll be pushing myself harder in workouts, now that I've gotten used to it all. However, I will not be worrying about doing double workouts in a day, or making up for them. If I really need a rest, then I'll take it, if I need to do half a workout, then I'll do that. I'll push myself to make sure I don't wimp out, but if I truly need a break, then I'll do it. No need to completely strain my body and hurt myself. But I do want to see some definite results by the end of this month. Not necessarily weight loss, but I want to be lifting more (either weights, repetitions, or both) and notice an increase of energy for my workouts. I'll also be more careful about my eating, obviously with my challenge, but also preventing midnight snacks (one of my worst enemies, I'll eat a little snack, then realize I'm hungrier, and eat even more, and by then, I'm wide awake and end up falling asleep really late into the night). I also really want to get on a sleeping schedule, as I've had some serious problems with this in the last two weeks.

Well I guess that ends this post. Going to my Genetics class here very soon, and then going to Local Boyz as I mentioned (oh, it's Hawaiian food, by the way). And this evening will be my Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps workout, and hopefully my elbow manages it pretty well. Until next time, stay fancy.

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