Monday, April 30, 2012

Time to Slow Things Down

I cannot believe the title of this post.

Basically, I've been trying too hard to improve my running. For example, Wednesday, I ran my scheduled week 7 run. Thursday I went for a 2 mile run without walking. Friday, I attempted the same thing, but was too tired, and only managed 1 mile. Saturday, I went to Dixon and did a fairly intensive bike workout, including some HIITs. Sunday I tried to get back to a week 7 run, but only managed to do the first interval before tiring out. Today, I went for another 2 mile run, and only managed 1.5 miles. I've been trying to do consecutive running days, and it's just been getting too tiring for me. So tomorrow, I won't be doing any running, so I can fully rest for Wednesday's run. I need to realize that I shouldn't do anymore than 4 runs a week, or any intensive cardio (such as the biking that I did - although I'm not against a lower intense bike workout). Hopefully this will help, as I just have not had enough energy or stamina to complete some of these runs.

On the other hand, I was afraid that I wouldn't lose any weight since the 14th (the last time I weighed myself, at 223), but I weighed in at 219, which is great that I had actually lost some weight. I figured with the way I ate last weekend (Olive Garden, Killer Burger, half a pizza, and bit of a barbeque), that the number wouldn't look so pretty. Now, there's something special about weighing in at 219. Firstly, I surpassed my first goal of 220 pounds, and am only 9 pounds away from my realistic goal, and 19 away from my challenging goal by June 15. But more importantly is that I am no longer considered obese, by BMI standards. BMI, or Body Mass Index, only plays in two factors, your height and your weight. So it's a horrible representation of whether you're under or overweight. However, it still exists, and I've always hated being considered obese by BMI standards, and well finally, that is no longer true. Saturday was a glorious day when I found that out. And speaking of weight, June 15 is just around the corner, and from Saturday, I had about 7 weeks until my birthday, meaning that I've got 7 weeks to lose the last 19 pounds. Possible, but difficult. I managed to lose 31 pounds in just 9 weeks, but my metabolism is slowing down as I lose weight.

Other than that, I don't really have anything to discuss. Oh, I guess that today I had to put a 6th hole in my belts. Always a great feeling. Definitely going to be needing lots of new clothes at the beginning of summer. And speaking of clothes, I cannot find one of my running smartwool socks, which really sucks. I've looked all around my room, so I've ruled out it being lost in my room, and the last time I thought I had it was doing laundry at my house when I went back home last weekend. So I'm certain it's somewhere around there. But they're about $5 per sock, which sucks to lose one.

So to finish things off, stay fancy, each and every one of you.

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