Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Has Begun! And There's Snow Outside...

Totally meant to post this last night, but completely forgot until I was already in bed, trying to sleep.

Oh and it snowed yesterday.

So let's see, Sunday I did nothing, since I was wiped from the 5k still. Monday I went for my 12th run, which was the last run of Week 4, so still on the 4 minute run, 1 minute walk schedule. I paced myself much better, but I didn't have any leftover energy, still being a little tired from Saturday, so I didn't have the energy to run any extra during my cool down, like my previous runs. So my pace and distance were slightly worse than what I had done before. But no big deal, it was still a pretty good run. And Monday evening I went to the CBI tournament game between TCU and OSU, and we smashed them by about 20 points. Very good game.

Tuesday I went to Dixon in the morning, for my last weigh in prior to Spring Break, and I came in at 231, which is another 4 pounds lost since the last time I weighed myself, which was... about a week and a half prior to Tuesday. Now, that's great news, but the best part is that this is the first time I've weighed this much since Sophomore or the beginning of Junior year in HS, meaning 4-5 years. I weighed 235 at the end of Summer 2010 which was fantastic and the best until now since back then in HS. Needless to say, I'm pretty happy. I've lost 20 pounds since about February 12th, a rough estimate, but that was the last time some of my family saw me, and they've already noticed the slimming down. It's a marginal victory so far, but it's something, and I look forward to everytime someone notices I look thinner. Also remember, I weighed as much as 270 during the summer prior to and most of Senior year in HS, so my health is considerably better than just a few years ago.

On the topic of my weight, I've decided since I've made a lot of progress so far, and pretty quickly as well (been 4.5 weeks since I buckled down - Februrary 19th) and have lost about 20 pounds, that I will be changing my current weight goal a bit. So by my birthday, June 15, I plan on weighing 210 or less (originally was 220), and I will shoot for 200 pounds. That's a big goal to do in 12-13 weeks (31 pounds) but that's why I made 2 goals. One that I know I can make, and one that I really want to reach, but won't be disappointed if I fall short. I'll know by May what I should be looking at in terms of how possible 200 will be.

In other news, I'm back home for Spring Break, and will be working Spring Camp next week Monday-Friday, as well as trainings tomorrow evening and all day Saturday. I also will be seeing The Hunger Games tonight, at the midnight showing in Portland at the Roseway Theater. Should hopefully be a good movie, but you never know. Oh and I had bought a jump rope a little while back, and I don't really have a space in Corvallis to use it, so I tried a little workout for the first time today out in my driveway, and I had forgotten how intense jump roping can be. I'm figuring out a good routine for myself, since I can't do long workouts with it, as it's more anaerobic. I think for now, I'll do 10 minute workouts, with a warm up and cool down, so that it comes out to be around 20 minutes. And then for now I think I'll do 1 minute jumping, with a 30 second break and walk a bit, to keep myself moving a bit. I'll do these workouts whenever I feel up to it as it isn't too demanding on the body in terms of exhausting energy or making me too sore. If I keep this up, I want to put some variety into the jumping as well as increase the time I'm jumping for to 15 or 20 minutes, and longer intervals. But for now, this will do.

Okay, I think that's about it, and I've got a hankering to play some Xbox, which seems about right since I haven't played any in a few days. Stay fancy.

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